Stephen McAteer


Father of two, husband of one. PhD in mathematical physics. Lead data scientist at the Victorian Auditor-General's Office. Long suffering Essendon supporter.

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26 July 2018

Gotcha: SQL 'between' predicate

Just a quick note of gotcha that I have fallen into a couple of times. (We are in the SAP HANA dialect of SQL here.) This gotcha is caused by two interacting issues.

Firstly: In the SAP HANA SQL dialect, the between operator is syntactic sugar: COL between LOW and HIGH is equivalent to (COL >= LOW) and (COL <= HIGH) (note the non-strict inequality on the upper bound of the range). In other dialects this upper bound is strict, which can be helpful (discussed below), but on the other hand the ISO-compliant behaviour is a non-strict upper bound (<=). So, you need to be careful about what the dialect you have at hand is doing.

Secondly: Lexicographic ordering of strings dictates that:
'2018-09-03 23:34:12' > '2018-09-03' > '2018-09' > '2018'

Consider the following query:

-- A test of the 'between' predicate
select * from
    -- A table of dates in two formats
    (select '2018-07-01' as dte, 'full date' as info from dummy)
    union all (select '2018-08-02' as dte, 'full date' as info from dummy)
    union all (select '2018-09-03' as dte, 'full date' as info from dummy) -- where you at?!?
    union all (select '2018-10-04' as dte, 'full date' as info from dummy)
    union all (select '2018-07' as dte, 'month only' as info from dummy)
    union all (select '2018-08' as dte, 'month only' as info from dummy)
    union all (select '2018-09' as dte, 'month only' as info from dummy)
    union all (select '2018-10' as dte, 'month only' as info from dummy)
-- The 'between' predicate is inclusive, so we are hoping to see both months in the results
where dte between '2018-08' and '2018-09'


2018-08-02 full date
2018-08 month only
2018-09 month only

Note that 2018-09-03 was excluded, which may not have been the expected behaviour. These versions will have the exected behaviour (I prefer the 2.):

  1. Truncate the column (may be computationally expensive?):
    where left(dte, 7) between '2018-08' and '2018-09'

  2. Be explicit. Note that the upper bound is not the last-in-range, but the first out-of-range:
    where dte >= '2018-08' and dte < '2018-10'

The other advantage of 2. is that it works in all SQL dialects, and at arbitrary levels of detail, e.g.

  • '2017-10-03' < '2018' (dates from 2017 or before) and,
  • '2017-10-03 09:23:16' < '2017-10-04' (datetimes on or before 2017-10-03).

tags: note - code - gotcha - tip - sql - sap hana