Stephen McAteer


Father of two, husband of one. PhD in mathematical physics. Lead data scientist at the Victorian Auditor-General's Office. Long suffering Essendon supporter.

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29 July 2019

Portfolio of work with Australia Post

Australia Post is a huge and hugely complicated orgaisation. They have amazing data (variety, volume, velicity, …) and to be honest, I was still getting my head aroud it after almost 2 1/2 years working there!

This post is a summary of the work I was involved with during by time with Australia Post.

StarTrack Regional Rates Dashboard

  • Provides transparency to regional managers over regional delivery agents’ rates
  • Tools: SAP HANA (SQL), Tableau

Chian of Responsibility Dashboard

  • Reporting heavy-vehicle safety compliance
  • Tools: Alteryx, SAP HANA (SQL), Tableau

StarTrack Subaccount Irregularity Analysis

  • Irregularity analysis of StarTrack subaccount charge data
  • Quantification of size of irregularities
  • Tools: Python

Parcel Locker Optimal Placement Analysis

  • Combined Post and publicly available data to assist decision-making to team charged with Parcel Locker rollout
  • Tools: SAP HANA, Python, Tableau

StarTrack Sales Opportunity Analysis

  • Dashboard and analysis for monitoring the progress of sales opportunities
  • Created feedback-loop and enabled process imporvement
  • Tools: SAP HANA, Tableau

Site Access and Leave Analysis

  • Analysis of irregularities in HR data
  • Tools: Python, Tableau

LPO Revenue Analysis

  • Analysis of LPO revenue, staffing and business model
  • Tools: Python

Transaction fraud detection

  • Random forest model developed to detect fraudulent online transactions
  • Results: Model had a recall of ~30% at a false-positive rate of 1:2000
  • Tools: Alteryx, R

Delivery Altering System (DAS) Dashboard

  • Reporting and monitoring DAS implementation
  • Strong feedback on requirements elicitation process
  • Tools: Tableau, SQL

GRC Automated Risk Documentation

  • Tool to turn data in risk register into risk summary PDFs for ERC and ARC reporting
  • Turned a very manual and onerous process by the risk managers into a fully automated process that allowed the risk managers to focus on the risk content
  • Tools: Python, WK HTML to PDF, Markdown (python library)

Injury Prevention Onboarding Process Analysis

  • Tested effectiveness of new on-boarding processes
  • Used bootstrapping to estimate measurement error in injury rates
  • Positive client feedback on data viz
  • Tool: Python

Happy Parcels

  • Development of dashboard to summarise parcel happiness (i.e. liklihood to experience delays &c.) for call centre agents
  • Goals: reduce AHT, reduce repeat calls, increase NPS
  • Tools: Google Cloud Platform, BigQuery, Tableau

Technical presentations:

  • Edward Tufte’s philosophy on data viz - I am a massive fan of Tufte’s work
  • Scatter-density plots - a method for visualizing correlations between continuous variables with both areas of low and high density (see implementation examples here)
  • Bootstrapping for parameter estimation

tags: australia post - report