Stephen McAteer


Father of two, husband of one. PhD in mathematical physics. Lead data scientist at the Victorian Auditor-General's Office. Long suffering Essendon supporter.

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1 September 2015

Consider the Risks: there's no safe way to do math (presentation)

DSTO STEM outreach session for year 10 students.

Mathematical training changes the way you view the world around you – it causes a kind of brain damage! We don’t see a soccer ball, we see a truncated icosahedron; when we see a shoelace, we can’t help but think about whether it is knotted or unknotted. This presentation is intended to be humorous and engaging for the intended audience of year 10 students considering further studies in mathematics (and STEM in general). While the overt message is “don’t do math”, this is simply a vehicle for talking about the mathematical way of thinking.

tags: mathematics - defence - STEM - outreach - presentation